Busselton is the best place in the world. Having grown up in here we’ve seen its transformation from a sleepy seaside town to a slightly-less sleepy seaside town.
Some things are shiny and new, and some things never change. Fisherman on the jetty all hours of the day and night, kids trying backflips as the sun sets, fish and chips under the shade of the Norfolk pines and someone’s grandad telling anyone who will listen that anything that isn’t lager is “perfume beer”.
Busselton has been one of Western Australia’s favourite holiday spots forever. Now it’s busier than ever, and we’ve always loved welcoming the holiday crowds to our home town.

This is Jason, he’s our Head Brewer and an owner of Shelter. He’s a beer nerd first and foremost, with a boundless enthusiasm for brewing and drinking beers. He hates having a camera pointed at him.
Here he is with the rest of the owners. Six brothers from two families, all fiercely proud Busselton locals. One or two of them don’t mind the camera so much.